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Cuenca Sport Climbing 4th Edition

A new full-colour A5 topo guide to the sports climbing crags of Cuenca; an area approx 180km east of the Spanish capital Madrid and lying at an altitude of about 1000 m.


Containing descriptions of over 600 routes, the Cuenca 4rd Edition climbing guide features mostly single-pitch routes that are fully equipped with bolts and lower-offs.Lying at an altitude of about 1000m, with ideal climbing conditions in the spring and autumn and all the climbing concentrated into a relatively small area, this could offer a fantastic alternative to the more traditional British honey-pots of the Costa Blanca and the Costa Daurada.

English and Spanish languages.


  • Author: Jose Yanez - Jose Manuel - Juan Olarte
  • No of Pages: 400
  • Page Size: 140 x 210 mm
  • ISBN 13: 9788498296549
  • Publisher: Ediciones Desnivel S.L.
  • Published Date: August 2023
  • Edition: 4th: 2023
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Illustrations: photo topos
  • Weight: 720g

    Personal Shopping - By Appointment

    Personal Shopping - By Appointment

    Would you like to try on some climbing shoes, running shoes or mountain boots for size before you make your purchase? If so, then why not book an appointment with us today! We can offer you a bespoke one-on-one shopping experience with one of our experienced staff members.

    Would you like to try on some climbing shoes, running shoes or mountain boots for size before you make your purchase? If so, then why not book an appointment with us today! We can offer you a bespoke one-on-one shopping experience with one of our experienced staff members.

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