Saturday Opening 21st December, 9-5 pm

Saturday Opening 21st December, 9-5 pm

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Climbskin Hand Cream | Hand Repair and Skin Care Review

By: Morgan Cvetkovic-Jones

A serious step up in climbing skincare, Climbskin’s Hand Cream comes packed full of superb, natural ingredients which combine to provide the handiest healing solution on the market.

On a recent trip to Fontainebleau, Climbskin’s hand cream became an essential part of my daily skin routine and was the perfect post climbing skin soother after a tough day in the forest. Compared to rival skincare products which usually come as a waxy balm, Climskin’s cream is extremely easy to live with, absorbing rapidly and leaving no greasy residue on my fingers – vital for a good grip on a post climbing bottle of beer! 

I found the Hand Cream would soak into my skin within just a few minutes which made it super easy to apply before and after a climb. Ideal for a climbing trip, the Hand Cream combines superbly with sweat stopping solutions, hydrating the skin and boosting its elasticity pre-climb (preventing cracking and splits) without promoting any sweating thanks to a tincture of benzoin and natural silica. Post climb the cream can be applied straight away to soothe and kickstart the healing process whilst further applications throughout an evening and overnight enhance its effectiveness.

Round Up

A climbing cream that can go anywhere and do anything, the perfect companion for a busy climbing schedule and undoubtedly the best healing solution I’ve ever used. Environmentally friendly, easy to use and good enough for Chris Sharma, what’s not to love?

Purchase the Climbskin Hand Cream