Saturday Opening 21st December, 9-5 pm

Saturday Opening 21st December, 9-5 pm

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How Fuzzy is Too Fuzzy? How Soft is Too Soft? | Weekly Video

This week's video is something a little different. Ever wondered how much abuse a rope can take before it reaches its limit and breaks? Are you feeling your rope and noticing soft, fuzzy spots? Well fear not because Ben from Hard Is Easy is on hand to put those soft spots to the ultimate test. With the team over at Mammut's rope testing department, Ben takes a look at the testing process and the effects simple climbing falls have on a rope. Having brought along his battered, soft old rope, the Mammut team give it a scientific send off, measuring its limit with their special equipment. The process is fascinating to watch and is jam packed full of scientific insight and information. An educational one this week, remember to check your ropes and enjoy the sun!