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The Self Rehabbed Climber | Book Review

Everything you need, all in one place. Lake District local, Andy McVittie's (AKA Process Physio), fantastic new book The Self Rehabbed Climber might just be the most comprehensive climbing physio guide we've ever seen but, it doesn't stop there, it's actually quite a fun read too. Sure, we've seen climbing phsyio books before and sure, they're packed full of information but let's be honest, reading about a ruptured pulley is hardly the thing dreams are made of. Enter The Self Rehabbed Climber (TSRC), the one stop printed shop for accessible, self administered at home physio that'll keep your mind just as engaged as your poor, recovering body.

I've been poring over the pages of Andy's latest release for the last few weeks and have been delightfully surprised with just how easy it was to read. Helped along by Andy's superb conversational style and an array of informative diagrams and images, TSRC takes us on a logical step by step journey through the physiology of the climbing body before covering each of the classic climbing injuries that many of us have or will likely experience. Once read through from start to end, TSRC becomes an excellent tool to dip in and out of whenever necessary, providing a reassuring over-the-page consultation to remedy those niggling aches and pains. 

Who Is TSRC For?

Everyone. Whether you're currently in pain or climbing injury free, there'll always be a time for TSRC. From learning about the way your body works, feels pain and heals to the prehab and rehab exercises detailed in the latter pages, there's something for everyone here. Although, it's worth noting that TSRC isn't a solve all solution - if you've broken your leg, you should try the hospital first!

About The Author

Based in the North West, author Andy McVittie has been climbing for going on 30 years and, during this time, has climbed and coached at a consistently high level. Now a dedicated climbing physiotherapist, Andy runs his own practice - Process Physiotherapy - based out of Boulder UK Preston and Lancaster Climbing Wall where he's always on hand to remedy that niggling injury or finger tweak. A regular writer for UKC, this book is the perfect culmination of Andy's years of experience and expertise.

Where Can You Find The Book?

Coming to Rock+Run soon, you can currently find The Self Rehabbed Climber for sale HERE.