Saturday Opening - 15th February, 9am-4:30pm

Saturday Opening - 15th February, 9am-4:30pm

More Info


£20 to £40

A large selection of rock climbing, mountaineering and outdoor equipment priced between £20 and £40.
Scarpa Piki Kids £39.95 £40.00

DMM Pitcher Rope Bag from £24.50 £34.99

YY Elastic Bands from £6.75 £7.50
Lattice Lifting Pin £29.95 £33.00
Boreal Ninja Junior Vent £38.95 £45.00

YY Climbing Balls from £28.80 £32.00

Exped FlexMat from £23.50 £26.50

MSR PocketRocket 2 £38.50 £45.00

EB Neo Kids £35.95 £40.00

DMM K-Pro Rope Protector from £35.95 £39.99

MSR Fuel Bottles from £19.55 £23.00

Petzl Verso £21.60 £24.00

Metolius Ropemaster HC £37.95 £45.00