Saturday Opening 21st December, 9-5 pm

Saturday Opening 21st December, 9-5 pm

More Info


Welcome to our Blog where you will find a large collection of informative articles and videos for new and experienced climbers, runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

We are particulary proud of our in-depth Product Reviews and associated Buying Guides. We have a series on The Basics, for those new to, or are interested in climbing. We also have a wealth of Product Information and Brand Profiles and much much more.

Welcome to our Blog where you will find a large collection of informative articles and videos for new and experienced climbers, runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

We are particulary proud of our in-depth Product Reviews and associated Buying Guides. We have a series on The Basics, for those new to, or are interested in climbing. We also have a wealth of Product Information and Brand Profiles and much much more.

The Flash: Rock+Run Blog

Tips, advice and comparisons on using guide mode belaying devices for rock climbing and mountaineering.
  • 4 min lu
I have made a lot of rock climbing topos and guides over the years, a voluntary apprenticeship working my way through different methods of producing the documents; from originally using the old school tactic of sketching crags...
  • 7 min lu
Well treated, well maintained climbing equipment will not only be a more trust companion on the crag but will also last you a lot longer. 
  • 1 min lu
Simple text and video instruction on How To thread a belay anchor for the purposes of lowering off a sport climbing route.
  • 3 min lu
We all keep our cars clean and well maintained in order to avoid disaster. It affords us a sense of security and pride knowing that we are taking good care of one of our most prized possessions...
  • 5 min lu
Your rock climbing rope is your lifeline up on the rock, so it’s paramount you keep it clean. Here we show you how, in 6 easy steps or less.
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In the following article respected UIAGM/IFMGA Mountain Guide Rob Collister takes a look at Alpinism from...
  • 18 min lu
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