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Welcome to our Blog where you will find a large collection of informative articles and videos for new and experienced climbers, runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

We are particulary proud of our in-depth Product Reviews and associated Buying Guides. We have a series on The Basics, for those new to, or are interested in climbing. We also have a wealth of Product Information and Brand Profiles and much much more.

The Flash: Rock+Run Blog

Climbing shoes are one of the first purchases made once we start climbing more regularly, and it’s one that can have a massive influence on how we engage with the sport throughout those first few months. Knowing which shoes to buy can prove a minefield of choice (and for some a pretty big investment) so take a look at our top picks. 
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With temperatures dropping and winter just round the corner, you might be planning on getting out in the cold to make the most of our fleeting encounters with the white stuff. So, with these adventures in mind, we’ll be taking a closer look at some of the kit you’ll need to ensure you stay warm, comfortable and safe in our Winter Top 5 series. In this article we’re looking at winter walking in the hills and breaking this down into 5 bits of technical kit you’ll need to do this safely and effectively.

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We've picked out a few of our favourite women's climbing shoes in a concise top 5 buying guide, taking everything from performance levels and intended climbing terrain to cost into consideration.
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Here are our top 5 options for vegan climbers or climate conscious climbers looking for an animal friendly alternative.
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As we look forward to 2023, we're taking some time to look back at 2022 - the year we became 8 billion, saw international tensions rise and watched our political system descend into chaos, sounds pretty gloomy, right? Well yes but, amidst the malay of madness, 2022 saw the release of some superb outdoor gear and in this article we're going to be celebrating the products that made a serious splash. From cutting edge innovation to subtle improvements that flew beneath the radar, here are 5 of our favourite bits of kit from 2022.

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It’s that time of year again. The nights have drawn in, mince pies are back on sale and we’re all hoping for some climbing goodies under the Christmas tree. Buying for a climber can be hard work, especially if they’re already experienced with copious amounts of kit. So, we’ve narrowed down our Gift Ideas into a top 5 list for each category to help you out.
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With summer and the outdoor climbing season fast approaching, you might be planning to make your debut on real rock, taking the skills you’ve learnt at an indoor wall to your local crags or boulders. In this mini-series we’ll be looking at some of the kit you’ll need to get started climbing outside. This week it’s the turn of bouldering pads, the portable blocks of foam that you’ll be taking with you on a bouldering trip to protect you in the case of a fall. Below we’ll suggest our top 5 picks (in no particular order) for your first bouldering pad, taking price and quality into account.
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All the harnesses we sell will be suitable for use both indoors and out but, in this guide, we’ll take a specific look at a harness’ suitability for the outdoor disciplines, sport and trad climbing. Below we’ll suggest our top 5 picks for your first outdoor climbing harness, we’re going to keep our recommendations sensible (no minimalist, skimpy string alpine climbing models) and set an £80 price cap, this is your first harness, so it needs to have some degree of multi-functionality and comfort for prolonged use.
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With summer and the outdoor climbing season fast approaching, you might be planning to make your debut on real rock, taking the skills you’ve learnt at the gym to your local crags or boulders. In this mini-series we’ll be looking at some of the kit you’ll need to get started climbing outside. First up is sport climbing quickdraws, the things you’ll be relying on to protect you in the case of a fall at a pre-bolted crag or wall. Below we’ll suggest our top 5 picks (in no particular order) for your first set of sport climbing quickdraws, taking price and quality into account. 
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