Saturday Opening - 15th February, 9am-4:30pm

Saturday Opening - 15th February, 9am-4:30pm

More Info


£100 to £150

A large selection of rock climbing, mountaineering and outdoor equipment priced between £100 and £150.
Deuter Guide 34+8 £136.00 £170.00
Moon Aerial Pack £112.00 £140.00
Black Diamond Creek 35 £128.00 £160.00
Blue Ice Chiru 32L £148.50 £165.00

Grivel Spartan 30L £136.00 £160.00

Deuter Guide 30 £119.00 £140.00
Blue Ice Warthog 30L £140.00 £165.00
Blue Ice Wadi 32L £102.00 £120.00