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9a Project Climbed After 27 Years | Weekly Video

Adam Ondra is back with another feature in our weekly video series. This week Adam visits the beautiful crag, ‘Beckov’, in Slovakia to check out an unclimbed project bolted by Tomáš Pilka in 1994. Having failed to climb the route when he first visited in June 2020, Adam returned to polish off 27 years of unfinished business with what became ‘Absolutorium’ 9a. Absolutorium climbs the incredible 30 metres of Beckov’s upper headwall, starting from a ledge already 20 metres off the ground which, in itself, is a 7a+ route – just a warm up for Adam, of course.

As has been a theme throughout his career, Adam has consistently pursued routes defined by history. Whether this has been in the form of a legendary test piece or an open project yet to be freed like Absolutorium, Adam has always chased these examples of a bygone climbing age. Combined with this has been Adam’s constant search for hard climbing close to home with much of his recent video content centring around first ascents at some of his local crags – all fantastic videos but this one is the pick of the bunch for us with Beckov’s truly unique setting stealing the show, enjoy!