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Welcome to our Blog where you will find a large collection of informative articles and videos for new and experienced climbers, runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

We are particulary proud of our in-depth Product Reviews and associated Buying Guides. We have a series on The Basics, for those new to, or are interested in climbing. We also have a wealth of Product Information and Brand Profiles and much much more.

The Flash: Rock+Run Blog

A range of simple tips, tricks and techniques for softening up your fresh pair of performance climbing shoes.
  • 3 lectura mínima
For any sport, trad or alpine climber, your harness is an essential bit of kit. With this in mind, why not dig out your harness and follow this easy-to-follow guide to inspection and cleaning.
  • 3 lectura mínima
Father and son take a serendipitous journey into the world of traditional climbing, and offer some thoughts and tips for others looking to do likewise.
  • 4 lectura mínima
This video covers the inspection, cleaning and care of your DMM slings or ropes, with most of the info being relevant to all brands of slings or ropes.
  • 1 lectura mínima
An article offering you some helpful tips on how to care for your rock climbing shoes and keep them in great condition. 
  • 3 lectura mínima
The following video covers the inspection, cleaning and lubrication of your DMM cams, with most of the info being relevant to all brands of rock climbing camming device.
  • 1 lectura mínima
This video covers the inspection, cleaning and lubrication of your DMM carabiners, with most of the info being relevant to all brands of carabiners. 
  • 1 lectura mínima
A few weeks in to lockdown and the flames of motivation are beginning to dwindle, but don’t worry - we got you. 
  • 4 lectura mínima
Route reading skills are essential. Neil Gresham gives some sound advice and tips on improving this important aspect of climbing.
  • 4 lectura mínima
Perhaps you can’t get down the climbing gym as easily as you’d like, or you’re simply looking for a way to top-up your training regime. Either way, having access to a home fingerboard, or hangboard as they're sometimes known, is a great option to have. 
  • 2 lectura mínima
Learning to coil your rope is an import skill for any climber wishing to trad climb outdoors. Here we show you how to undertake the Butterfly Coil, arguably the most popular method.
  • 1 lectura mínima
Tips, advice and comparisons on using guide mode belaying devices for rock climbing and mountaineering.
  • 4 lectura mínima
I have made a lot of rock climbing topos and guides over the years, a voluntary apprenticeship working my way through different methods of producing the documents; from originally using the old school tactic of sketching crags...
  • 7 lectura mínima
Well treated, well maintained climbing equipment will not only be a more trust companion on the crag but will also last you a lot longer. 
  • 1 lectura mínima
Simple text and video instruction on How To thread a belay anchor for the purposes of lowering off a sport climbing route.
  • 3 lectura mínima
We all keep our cars clean and well maintained in order to avoid disaster. It affords us a sense of security and pride knowing that we are taking good care of one of our most prized possessions...
  • 5 lectura mínima
Your rock climbing rope is your lifeline up on the rock, so it’s paramount you keep it clean. Here we show you how, in 6 easy steps or less.
  • 2 lectura mínima
In the following article respected UIAGM/IFMGA Mountain Guide Rob Collister takes a look at Alpinism from...
  • 18 lectura mínima
  • 2 lectura mínima